As a new school year starts at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls Public Works reminds the community about the importance of proper refuse and waste disposal in the city.
Friends of the Family, founded in 1992 by Church Women United in Waverly, is an organization that works tirelessly to help survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as homeless families and individuals.
The Black Hawk County Health Department recommends that face coverings be worn in indoor settings particularly in situations when social distancing of 6ft cannot be maintained.
As the number of counties opting for countrywide resolutions rises to six, Black Hawk County has confirmed its ruling to not implement Second Amendment sanctuaries.
Beginning August 19, 2021, the City’s contractor, PCI, will be starting Phase II of the Cedar Heights Drive Reconstruction Project by closing the northern half of the Greenhill Road and Cedar Heights Drive intersection.
t can be a fine line between being too blunt, offending someone and earning a reputation of being too aggressive, and “sugar-coating” your message too much that the person doesn’t receive the message and change their behavior.